Jo Eckstein

Overwhelm Alchemist

Would you love to feel calmer, and in control,

without getting up at 3 am to do everything, or trading in your family?

Are you overwhelmed, exhausted and struggling to keep up with everyday life?

Does life seem harder for you to manage than it is for others?

Have outside circumstances created a life that isn't at all what you expected, and you are struggling to cope?

You want things to change but you just don't know exactly what or how, or where to start.

You feel like it is literally IMPOSSIBLE, but you just can't keep living like this. It's too much.

That was me too - all the things!

I'm Jo Eckstein and I KNOW OVERWHELM and more importantly how to shift it.

I help people who are overwhelmed shift the chaos and confusion, to create a life with more ease and calm, even if the outside circumstances won't be changing.

I work with anyone who feels they are struggling with managing and coordinating everyday life, in these overloaded and super stressful times.

  • Overwhelmed and exhausted people with limited bandwidth and capacity

  • Caregivers / Carers

  • Neurodiverse (neurospicy) people

  • Maxxed out parents

  • Parents of struggling neurodiverse kids

  • Chronically Ill people

  • Anyone who wants to feel calmer

  • Isolated people

My magical power is shining a light on your situation, seeing clearly what is, and how things can be changed for the better.

I help you create a life that works for you, whatever your situation.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted,

with a never-ending To Do List, and no idea about how to change things?

Banish Overwhelm, and shift from chaos, and confusion to calm.

Illuminate are letters sent direct your inbox, to inspire, support and nurture you.

The letters contain helpful tips, links to interesting and supportive resources and updates on any upcoming offers or classes.

I promise to not inundate you with too much, our lives are already full.

Just often enough to remind you that you matter.

I confirm that I wish to receive Illuminate - Banishing Overwhelm Letters via email. I understand I can unsubscribe at any time.

© 2024 Jo Eckstein. All Rights Reserved.