Resources & Contact

In our connected, always on, modern world, there are so many resources available to us that it can feel overwhelming.

Often too many resources or options makes it hard to know where to begin and so we don't even start.

This page contains some resources that I have found really helpful. I hope you find them useful. Try them, one at a time. There is no rush.

Please check back as more will be added regularly. I promise never to overload you with too many though!

Recommended Books


Burnout: The secret to solving the stress cycle

Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski


Enchantment: Reawakening Wonder in an Exhausted Age

Katherine May


Rest Is Resistance

Tricia Hersey


Real Self-Care: Powerful Practices to Nourish

Yourself From the Inside Out

Pooja Lakshmin

Community and Connection

Letters sent direct your inbox, to inspire, support and nurture you.

Community Matters.

Clarity and Calm is a private Facebook group where we can connect, build a community and nourish ourselves.

Clarity and Calm Community provides support and encouragement in caring for ourselves and others from a space of feeling full; calm, nurtured and joyful, rather than depleted, exhausted, overwhelmed and honestly, sometimes resentful.

I would love to meet you

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